Thursday, November 09, 2006

This I Believe

My adoring husband sent me this link earlier in the week. This I Believe

This column has had a profound effect on my life lately. In the beginning of October I was miserable at my job and was actually praying and asking for a sign. Lo and behold while I was listening to NPR there was a gentleman on This I Believe saying he wished his grand-daughter failure instead of luck. I realized I did not want to quit my job because I would be a failure and that is not something to be afraid of, it is something to learn from.

Now I am looking for a new job and everyone I know asks why I don't go and substitute teach. Its in my field and a good way to get my name into a school system. I did do substitute teaching when I first graduated. And I don't want to do it now. I guess I'm a cranky old math teacher stuck in my ways. I'm thinking of doing it in the spring.

So back to the article sent to me. It was hubby's gentle nudge that there is work that is not beneath me and that I would be totally happy with. Soooooo, I will not be selling Mary Kay because I am not a sales person. Instead I applied at the library. I don't care if its part time and doesn't pay a ton. I would absolutely love to work at the library. I would get to organize and help people (with out selling!) and work with nice people. We'll see if they call me, with my luck they'll think I'm overqualified.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like that column.
