Thursday, August 30, 2007

Where did that come from?

Last night I finally got some rest. And the vivid but weird dreams are back.

All I remember about the first part is that I was on some type of class trip to Somewhere. Stuff happens, don't remember what. But one guy decided to stock up on Botox while we were there. Some more stuff happens and then we find out the chaperones or police were going to conduct a raid and go through all of our things. Then it gets strange (yeah, like it's not already strange).

The guy with the Botox is all frozen faced so we accuse him of using the Botox. But he had a lot so I'm yelling at him "You didn't inject all of it did you?!?" And he's nodding yes, but just then I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror and my lips are swelling! So then I'm yelling "what did you do to me??" And my lips just keep swelling and not in a pretty way, but crooked and mishapen. Then, my bottom lip springs a leak and this clear liquid starts squirting out (I know, ew!). So I start screaming "Get it out! Get it out!" I end up falling down on my hands and knees and the liquid turns colors and I just keep yelling to get it out.

I must have one mighty strong fear of Botox.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Of cakes and caps

Since no one was able to guess the last movie screen cap, I must have made it too hard. Here is the same movie, but with the easily recognizable main character.

And here are the cakes I made for the baby shower. The glitter was a disappointment, all it did was make it look a little.....moist, I guess. The first one is supposed to be a cabbage patch.

The second is just something I made up, but it looked good.

The paper portion of the Great School Condensing of 2007 is complete. There are now only 6 boxes in the basement. Now commences the computer version, where I'm trying to save and organize all of the computer files from five years. It's not bad, except the computer chair is mighty uncomfortable.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Current Score

Last week I took my fancy new car title to the BMV to update my plates for my fancy new car. Apparently it's now a one stop convenience place. I was able to:

1) Update my plates for my new car, as planned.
2) Get new registration for my car, since my birthday is next month.
3) Get a new drivers license, since my old one expires on my birthday next month. (my previous post about how it already expired was severe case of pregnancy brain)
4) Register to vote.

Ok, so that's all stuff you should be able to do there. But I just thought it was nice that they asked if I wanted to do numbers 2, 3 and 4, because some people wouldn't even mention it. Also, no social security number on the new license which means I will always be getting in trouble because I will never remember to bring my social security card with me when I need it (like at the BMV). Also I take surprisingly good license photos if I do say so. I don't even look pregnant and my hair is all shiny.


I took Min to the vet today for her shots. She doesn't mind the cat carrier but had this completely pitiful meow the entire time the car was in motion. I figured it's good practice for when Peanut is here and just ignored it and turned the volume on the book on CD. Does that make me a bad mom already?


If I haven't mentioned it before, I'm making my own cakes for the baby shower. Yes, plural because my hungry husband demands cake. He said he fully intends on helping to drop them off and taking a piece before he leaves. So don't be surprised if any pictures I post have a chunk of cake missing. But, just to entice everyone, edible glitter will be involved!


For those of you keeping score at home:
- in one month I will be 29
- in two months I will be a mother and responsible for not screwing up a new life
No pressure on either account.


Name that movie! I had a couple of screen shots to choose from and picked the harder one this time. I saw the library has this and was extremely tempted to rent it. But the school project isn't done yet so it will have to wait.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

School days

So August means getting ready for the new school year to begin. As a teacher I would have begun my Countdown of Doom to when school starts (how many weekends do I have left?) but not this year! So instead of counting down, I'm watching commercials and missing the opportunities to buy new supplies and thinking about what a waste it is that I can't have students do the population growth simulation with Skittles.

However, it has been a long term project for me to clean up and organize and weed out all of my teacher things. This includes, but is not limited to, notes from four different subjects (six if you count Basic Algebra and Honors Algebra 2 separate from Algebra and Algebra 2), teacher information, office supplies, class supplies and books. When we moved I had roughly 14 boxes, I think.

Since my sister has her first full time teaching gig this year, I invited her to visit and borrow what she would like. That took 4 boxes.

I got out all of my notes and tests and have the two big subjects organized. I also emptied a multitude of file folders and now have one box of empty binders. And yes, I do have issues with parting with empty binders because I Might Need Them.

So I think I'm down to six boxes. *sigh* Chris has kindly asked that I have this project down by the baby shower because he thinks I'll be too fat and lazy after that. Ok, he didn't SAY fat and lazy, but he implied it! And really, I've been only been working on it since last summer.

Instead of coming home from tutoring and diving right in, I ate and found this clip for you. It's from 'How I Met Your Mother' and I was honestly roaring with laughter when I saw it on tv. To set the scene for you, they are discussing losing their virginity because the one girl's younger sister wants to do it.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Visual DNA

This is kind of a visual personality test. I just went with first instinct on some answers and on others I had a hard choice or no choice that I liked. I don't think I'm a Dreamer or a Conquerer, but I never have been good at judging myself. New Wave Puritan is a suprisingly fit description because I try to be healthy but definitely have my vices. And Love Bug is pretty accurate too.

What are you?

Monday, August 06, 2007

Weekend stuff

At the end of the last baby blog, Chris made a comment about my Scrabble skills so I had to demand a rematch. Chris and I are way too competitive, especially at Scrabble. It's probably a good thing that we've never played Scrabble on game nights with other people there to witness us taking ten minutes to consider the score vs. giving-the-other-person-a-setup aspect of every word possible. Anyway, I reached my all time high score of 400 last night so I was strutting a little.

Friday night my little brother and his girlfriend came over and hung out. We tried the new ice cream place in town which wasn't bad. We also played Euchre, and it turns out his girlfriend is also highly competitive. So that turned into an entertaining evening.

Saturday we visited my parents since Thursday was my Mom's 50th birthday. For those that don't remember, Chris and I attempted to usurp August 2nd from my mom by getting married that day. We hung out and visited my grandparents. Both of my grandmothers think I am not that big, which scares me that I might get oh so much bigger. My mom tried to reassure me that they didn't have air conditioning when they were pregnant, so they'd gain more water weight. My dad had stopped at the farmers market and bought my favorite cake, chocolate with carmel (penuche) icing and we got to take a big chunk of it home. They keep getting me cake like that and I will get huge!

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

What is in a name?

There is something about me that just screams "My name starts with the letter A". And invariably if someone forgets my name they come up with one of two other names.

Last night during the cake class the instructor repeatedly called me Amber. There was a large name tag on the front of my table that clearly stated "Amanda" but apparently that tag was not believable. I didn't correct her since it was the last class and I will likely never see her again.

In college I attended some campus activity that involved an icebreaker where you had to remember names. I received an enthusiastic Allison! So that turned into a running joke.

And in general if people are trying to guess/remember my name I get Amber or Allison. Really? No Jennifer, the most popular name during my birth year? I don't look like a Heidi, one of the most popular German names?

Although I do have to admit it's creepy when people guess Amanda on the first try.

Speaking of my cake class, the last one was yesterday. The instructor was 40 minutes late, so I didn't get to finish in class and managed to get it done this morning just in time for it to be cut and shipped off with Chris.
In case you can't tell, those are roses on top, not a cabbage patch, and leaves around the bottom. And it took some time for me to find the right angle to photograph the cake, because the top layer had begun to slide.

Oh, and here's a shocker. Apparently our house came with the most advanced dishwasher available on the market. I discovered this today when trying to clean all of the cake decorating supplies. I know you are shocked that we haven't used the machine in the two months we've lived here, but we tend to do them by hand. In fact there has been a standing agreement in our marriage that I do laundry and Chris does dishes. However, as CFO I am trying to take more responsibility in the dish washing arena.

So today I start to organize the massive pile of icing covered paraphernalia in the dishwasher. First I have to pull out a bunch of accessories such as baskets and clip-on thingies. Then some of the racks didn't line up and I realize that they can fold down and up. Then there is some sort of handle on each side of the top rack, still haven't figured those out. And there is a swivel bar that pins glasses in so they don't rattle, at least I'm assuming that is what it is for. I haven't even fully investigated all of the buttons on the outside. There are no knobs. Of course it really didn't help that after all of that I discovered we don't have dishwasher detergent.

Yeah, dishwashers have come a long way since I was a kid. We had four different ones at our house, one of them named Amanda.