Friday, May 28, 2010

For Sale

We're having a garage sale this weekend. During the past year we have slowly piled up things we haven't used. Then, a little over a month ago, Chris made me clean out clothes that I haven't worn in .... a while.

When I think "Hey, I had two kids" it's ok that I haven't worn those clothes. When I think "Hey, it's been four years since I've worn those and they don't fit", well, it's a little harder to justify everything. Plus, some of the clothes were a little dated. And Chris pointed out that other people could be wearing these nice clothes. So, with a few tears, I purged my closet and drawers.

My sister also is selling stuff at the garage sale. Apparently she had a friend come over to help and her friend had to take the role of Chris.

For my mom, who I know will read this, T and I are not becoming you and Aunt K. Even if we do have the same pair of shoes on the garage sale.

Every time one of her shirts was sold today, T would get all nostalgic and teary eyed. I'm happy to say, I didn't miss the clothes a bit. Even letting go of my Reality Bites CD was ok. Wait, did I just date myself?