Tuesday, November 21, 2006

My new claim to Fame

I realized yesterday that I am three degrees from Tom Cruise. When I worked at St. Ursula in Toledo the art teacher was Nancy. And Nancy is Katie Holmes' sister. And Katie married Tom. So there you go, I am almost a celebrity. Don't ask me why I didn't realize this a year ago. It was mentioned in the news about Katie's sister being her maid of honor and something clicked into place.

Anyone out there have better 'degrees' ? I'm sure you do and you are just dying to share!

Not much new going on here. I almost have a job at an after school tutoring place. At least they said they needed teachers and the interviews went really well. But they are really slow about getting back to me. The library never called and the website still says the position is still open, so I am bummed about that. And the school with a math position still open has never called. It is incredibly depressing that a job that I am perfectly qualified for never calls. I did however talk to one of my coworkers from the charter school who is now a sub and he is doing well. So I will probably call them next week about substitute teaching.

In other news, Ikkin and I dominate at Cranium. We played boys vs. girls (so it was 3 vs. 2) and apparently despite not seeing much of each other for many years, we share a psychic connection. It was eerie how fast I guessed 'paparazzi' when she was charading it. Drawing 'vitamin' took longer though.

And because I love to see who is as geeky as I am, here is today's movie snapshot. Start guessing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I rock! I got it the first try!

(the movie photo!)

Yea, and in cranium, 2 electrical engineers and a mechanical engineer had their rear ends handed to them by a math teacher and a lawyer.
