Sunday, January 21, 2007

A great day after a great week

So my new job rocks! The lessons are going well, students are following directions, I have a routine going. I have two study halls plus a conference period, so I am getting almost everything done at school as opposed to grading in front of the tv (which my darling husband despises). There are two large Algebra 2 classes and two small Basic Algebra classes.

After the lesson on Thursday I asked the A2 class if everything looked familiar (it is review from before break) and they said yes. Then I asked if it was helping that I was going over it again and they replied YES. The math department head also told me some of the students were commenting to her about being happier.

The BA classes are squirrely and I've scared the daylights out of two students already. Friday was partner work day. I saw a boy across the room lean over and drop some pieces of paper in a girl's hair. After I finished answering a question I just walked over, leaned in and looked him in the eye as I quietly said "if I ever see you put paper in someone's hair again, you'll be spending detention with me after school." He totally had the deer-caught-in-headlights look. Later I saw two girls trade papers. When I walked up, one girl was doing a lot of writing. I asked who's paper it was and she pointed at the other girl. I asked why she was writing on her paper and she replied that she was explaining the work (*snort*). Then I calmly pointed out that the other girl was in another group and I took both of their papers. I heard her in the hallway later saying "I had my paper taken away" in a totally incredulous voice.

Yeah, it's good to be the teacher.

Today has totally rocked. I woke up at 7:30 and looked out the window and it just looked dreary (of course everything looks dreary without my contacts). Went back to bed. At 8:30 got up and there was SNOW!! Finally!!! So my talented husband cooked us an omlette and toast for breakfast. He then celebrated the snow by tossing the cats into it. Min took to it, Ainsley just stayed by the door making pitiful cat noises. Then off to church, which we were late to because apparently Worthington doesn't believe in plowing snow until after 10 am.

On the way home from church we saw a house that has been for sale having an open house. So we stopped. It was pretty cool, too expensive to buy or even to heat. Oh well. So then we went to a neighborhood where we saw a house previously that we liked and was more our price. We wandered and found one for sale and with an open house that started at 1. So we went to lunch and went back. It was -exactly- like the first house in that neighborhood that we'd liked. Except with paint colors that we didn't like. Too bad we aren't planning on buying for 4 more months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Hugs and your new job!
