Monday, June 16, 2008

A trip for ice cream

Yesterday, for Father's Day, we walked a couple of blocks to get ice cream. Along the way is the neighborhood pond. Here are our conversations.

On the way to get ice cream:
Hugs: Look, there is the mommy duck with her baby ducks! I want a closer look! *runs up to the fence*
Chicks: *rolls eyes*

On the way back home:
Hugs: Look, that isn't a duck down there swimming! What is it?
Chicks: It's a muskrat.
Hugs: Really? Cool! Wait, do we like muskrats? Are we pro-muskrat or anti-muskrat?
Chicks: I guess it depends. I mean it's one of God's creatures. But muskrats eat baby ducks.
Hugs: *shock*

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