Thursday, March 20, 2008

Returning to Rosaries

Last week I received an email from the church's womens group asking me to teach rosary making at one of the upcoming meetings. Yes, I'd love to! This is requiring me to contact the leader of the group in our old parish, order supplies and plan a lesson. I'm surprisingly excited about this.

In other news, I guess I've lost a tutoring student. He hasn't shown up for two weeks and his friend says she doesn't think he will be continuing. Hey, thanks for calling me to let me know so I don't sit around waiting for you. The first student I had is doing great and is working hard to get a B+. The other student that is still coming is struggling so I'm changing from one session of one hour each week to two sessions of a half hour each week. I hope it helps.

And finally, Chris and I installed our TV converter last night. In the process of Chris lifting the TV so I could switch the antenna and converter wires, I jabbed my thigh into a sharp, pointy ledge on the entertainment center. As I exclaim "oh, fudge" and fall to the floor clutching my leg, Chris looks on and says "gee, I'll bet that hurts." He nearly lost an eye. And I'll bet that would have hurt. But at least the converter box works great.

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