Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Of games and business

For my birthday I did receive some money and I think that I'd like to use it to expand our game selection for future Game Nights. I'm thinking Scene It would be a fun addition. I don't know anyone who has it but I have played it and it was a good time. However, there are several different editions that catch my fancy.

a) Movie edition: the basic game, maybe with a booster set (or whatever the additional questions are called.

b) Friends edition: everyone has seen some Friends episodes, if not all of them.

c) Marvel edition: ok, not really. Myself and my little brother and Rob (who I don't think will make it to Game Night) would be the only ones having fun.

d) Disney edition: for Xander down the road, but we've all seen our fair share of Disney so it could be fun.


In other news, tomorrow I will be back on the job as CFO (Chief Family Officer) of the household with the added title of SAHM (Stay at Home Mom). So far I've had help, with Chris staying home and his mother as well as my Mom helping out. I feel like tomorrow is some big deciding day. Then I think about it some more and I realize every day for the next year at least. Then I get a little big overwhelmed and teary eyed. That's mostly the sleep deprivation talking though.


Rob said...

Go with the Marvel one! Next time I'm in the state I'll stop by and we can play... And I'll win.

Otherwise, I recommend going with the basic one, just to prevent alienating anyone. I hear there are some people who don't like to watch Friends reruns...

And as for being a SAHP (Parent), I recommend the mantra "Sleep when the baby sleeps." It works well for the 1st 2 years anyway ;)

Hugs said...

Oh, those are fighting words. I think it would depend on the amount of questions from comics vs movies and also the time periods the questions were from. I wish I could just rent it from the library.

What, some people don't like Friends reruns? Next you'll say Seinfeld is rerun too much.

I just have to train myself to sleep when Xander sleeps. I'm not a big napper, but I will have to learn.

Rob said...

You have cats, right? Just watch them and imitate. I mean really, biologically speaking all you should be expected to do for the next 6-18 months is feed the boy, play with the boy, and sleep. And make sure you're well fed to keep up that routine. Everything else is relatively unimportant. Remember that.

Rob said...

And you're right, I would get crushed in Marvel trivia dealing with all these movies they keep making. They just throw together storylines like continuity means nothing! I refuse to accept Marvel movies as even real Marvel. But if it deals with the comics, it's go time!