Tuesday, February 06, 2007

And I didn't even wear my pajamas inside out

This school year I have not yet had a snow day. However, I have had:

1 no-electirity day
1 one-crack-head-bus-driver-means-they-all-need-background-checks day
2 its-too-cold-to-make-the-little-darlings-wait-for-buses days

Columbus public held out on the last cold day. Seriously, every other school had called off already and finally at the very end of the 6:30 news last night they called in.

So I've had two surprise days off in a row. Of course I spent them making up for lost time on the house-wifery front. *snickers* Ok, really I did make up some lost time. Then I knitted and watched tv. Today I went over to Ukie's apartment to give his cat attention and ended up playing Mortal Kombat for an hour.

Now it is snowing! It's so pretty! I'm totally aware that it will be plowed and I'll have school tomorrow. And I'm ok with that.


Anonymous said...

Don't be so sure...It's still snowing in Indy, and they've already closed/delayed most of the schools back in our old neck of the woods for tomorrow.

chicks514 said...

Just checked the radar...still snowing in Dayton and the front extends a smidge past that. 270 East between 23 and Easton is a virtual parking lot.

Rob said...

Excuse the visual you're going to get here, but this year's winter is like a backed-up toilet: nothing working for a while, then suddenly, overflow! And the only way to deal with it is to clean up the mess after it stops...

Of course, I'm jealous of all that snow you're getting. Snow indicates SOME level of humidity, which we have not.