Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Not Cold Enough

On Friday morning, as we prepared breakfast, we noticed that there was some strange water in the freezer. We figured we'd left the door cracked overnight and went about our day.

After lunch, I noticed that the ice cubes were definitely melting. I had repeatedly checked that the door was closed throughout the morning, so my reaction was "uh-oh."

That night at dinner Chris pointed out that the milk was definitely not as cold as usual. He pulled out the refrigerator to check the coils and vents, but there was a back covering everything. We promptly emailed and texted the landlady to let her know we had a problem. She let us know that she'd come over Saturday to check it out.

Her "checking it out" only involved getting measurements. She didn't bother even opening the doors or pulling it out. Instead she went out and bought a new refrigerator. Which is awesome except that for whatever reason the store couldn't deliver it until Wednesday.

If it were just Chris and I, we'd make do. But having the kids and eating most meals at home presented some problems. So we splurged on a mini-fridge!

Isn't it cute? Reminds me of college. And, oddly enough, it's louder than the old, full-sized refrigerator. We're keeping some basics in it and going to the grocery store daily to pick up meat for dinner.

Meanwhile, Chris rolled the old refrigerator out into the courtyard for the guys to pick up when the new one is dropped off. He tossed most of the food. That created a problem unto itself. They have mini garbage cans here to impose the rules about less waste. The landlady already filled half of it with her garbage and we'd already filled the other half. So, Chris dropped two more garbage bags into the yard waste bin (which is not used) and I transferred them onto the top of the garbage can this morning just before the garbage truck came through.

The new refrigerator should be here tomorrow. I don't expect anything grandiose but I am excited that all of the shelves should work to hold in food and not break and let food fall every time the door is opened.

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