Tuesday, October 07, 2008

All the king's horses and all the king's men

After I complained about it, the rash and the elbow miraculously healed themselves.

As for the foot and knee, I went to the doctor. He says the knee is actually iliotibial band syndrome. Which sounds about right. He gave me a list of stretches and exercises to help, but no running or weight lifting.

The doctor thought my foot was a stress fracture and sent me in for x-rays. That was last Monday. I finally heard from him on Thursday at about 6 pm. No sign of a fracture, so it was probably a contusion. I'm supposed to ice my foot several times a day and not repeat whatever I did in the first place (which I still don't know what has caused this).

I'm still limping, but now it's more of a stiff, achy feeling rather than the blinding shot of pain. Doc said to give it about three weeks and call again if it's still hurting. Just in time for me to limp down the aisle at my brother's wedding.

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