Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Nothing to see here

My life is at a fairly even keel right now, not much excitement. Well, there was the camping trip over the weekend, but you probably already read that on Xander's blog.

So. Camping: check. Job: check. Workouts: same as always. Knitting: working on a scarf. Bags: trying to get a small 'inventory' made to sell. Oh, I went to buy fabric today but there were inventory people everywhere. And Xander decided to see just how loud he could be. Not crying, just loud. So, random story time!

When I was in third grade I heard a story about superstitions. Apparently when you find an eyelash, if you close your eyes and blow it away you can make a wish. I don't know why I believed it, I'm not even sure I did believe it. But in my school picture that year I didn't have eyebrows. And by golly, not a wish came true.

And now you know.

Name the TV show, peeps!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Doogie!!! AKA Dr. Horrible-did you see the sing-along blog? If not, go download it immediately. I'm not kidding. I plan on registering for the soundtrack when (if) I ever have a housewarming party.