Monday, June 18, 2007

Vacation is over

I had a great weekend to end my vacation before becoming acting CFO. Friday night we went to see an improv show with Ikkin and Ukie (thanks for the tickets, Ikkin). The show was called FFN in Space at Madlab Theater. It was improv meets sci-fi, so I was amused the whole time, especially by Ikkin's friend Josh who got to wear the red t-shirt (Star Trek fans know what that's about). The only thing I didn't care for was whoever suggested the hero's power be a Bill Cosby impersonation. Because no one does a good Bill Cosby impersonation.

Sunday we had a little cookout here for Father's Day. My parents, grandma and siblings made the trip as well as Chris's grandmother and the Ukie. My brothers pointed at me and laughed, my dad had to take pictures of me to show my other grandma and it got really hot out. But it was an awesome time and we ended up with lots of leftovers, most of which are cookies and cake.

Today I woke up fully prepared to start CFOing and impressing everyone with my housewife abilities. That lasted all of 10 minutes because someone forgot to wash jeans for her kind and understanding husband. So I told Chris to wear a pleated skirt and tell everyone it was a kilt and the breeze was a blessing in the heat. He didn't go for it.

But after that I went for a brisk 30 minute walk and lifted weights. I also ran errands in the truck. Did I mention sitting in my car for more then 15 minutes causes my back to spaz out? Yeah. So I drove his truck downtown and registered us for our new church and inadvertently volunteered Chris to mulch later this week. Then I went to the library and registered there. They have a coffee shop attached to the library! And a really good selection; I was nervous about that since it is a smaller town not affiliated with the Columbus library. In fact I found Buffy season 7 on DVD and had to restrain myself a little. Then it was off to the Post Office to buy stamps and send a package. Then back home for lunch and laundry.

I'm off to get more done!


chicks514 said...

You can't put 2 cats in your avatar? Only your cat huh? I see how it is. I'm definitely sure now that it was YOUR cat that vomited in the basement yesterday!

And what are you talking about? I do a great Bill Cosby!

Hugs said...

No, there was NOT a two cat option, thank you for asking! And Ainsley only threw up because she's sick of Min chasing her!

You don't even know who Bill Cosby is!

Kilt boy!