Friday, November 12, 2010

Give Me a Break

Last year I had a nice, cushy part-time job that required dropping the kids off at the sitter's house for about an hour and a half each day. It was a perfect little break for them to see other kids and for me to teach for forty minutes.

Since moving, I have no job. And I have no sitter. So there is no break and Xander and Josie get to feel my endless love all day long. Which sounds great on paper but comes with a lot more temper tantrums and crying in reality. I'll let you guess who is having the tantrums and crying.

Within two weeks I sat Chris down and told him I needed a night off. It's not for me, it's for the kids! They are getting too attached and needy by being with me all of the time. All. Of. The. Time. Chris quickly saw the sense in my words, and possibly a little crazy in my eyes and agreed to take care of the kids on Thursday nights and I could go about my merry way.

So I get Thursday nights free! I can do what I want! Go where I want! Unless Chris has to work late. Or Chris misses his workout. And what am I going to do, really? Shopping? Nice, but we only have so much money. Sit at Panera and read? Yes, unless I don't have an interesting book. Walk in the park? Except it's really dark out.

Yesterday Chris actually came home a little early, bless him. So I went and saw a movie all by myself. I saw Red, which I really liked. It's been a while since I've seen a good action-comedy movie. Of course, it's been a while since I've been to the movies. Um, maybe a year and a half. I think the last one I saw in theaters was the second Twilight movie. Or was it Marley and Me. Anyway, I enjoyed relaxing and laughing in the company of strangers. Chris did not enjoy his evening quite so much. I can't say I'm sorry not to have been there.

1 comment:

Ikkin said...

Yay for you! Is there a coffeeshop or something nearby you could go to and read/knit/stare into space and eavesdrop on the conversations around you? I love doing that sometimes when i want to be out of the house but don't feel like being overly productive. Enjoy it!