Tuesday, August 18, 2009

He laughed all the way home

Chris's mom visited last week and was kind enough to help out with the kids. One day we all piled into Maxxwell the Malibu Maxx and headed out for some errands in town. Things went smoothly and we finished up and headed home when we were stopped in a turn lane waiting for the light.

Just as the light changed, the man in the van next to us signaled for MIL (mother-in-law) to roll down her window. We give each other a look and she does. The man tells us that we have keys hanging from the back of the car.

Huh. I recalled Chris saying he couldn't find his keys for my car after he took my car the day before. So we thank the man, I pull around the corner and pull over.

Yeah, I don't have a keyhole in the back of my car. I always use my fob to open the trunk, so I don't pay much attention. There are definitely not keys hanging from the keyhole in the back of Maxxwell. So I thought 'he didn't say where they were hanging from...' so I look all over the back of the car. I open up the hatchback and look around. I let MIL look around. Nothing.

So maybe they were hanging off the edge of the bumper and slid off. We hop into the car and circle the block, checking for keys that may be in the road. Nothing.

We go home and check the car over again. Nothing.

I call Chris to tell him about this and Chris is like 'I have my keys in my pocket right now.'

By golly, I think I was punked.

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