Tuesday, August 11, 2009

All that work for one hour of wear

The Baptismal gown is done! Which is good since the Baptism was this past weekend. Even though Josie only wore it for about an hour, I'm really happy I made it. Not only did I learn some new things about sewing, it's a real boost to my ego that I can make something nice. Oh, it's by no means perfect. I could point out the mistakes. But unless you are better at sewing than me (yeah, Julie and Sarah, you can look away) you won't notice the mistakes.

I added the little flowers to the front for prettiness. I was going to add some more along the bottom seam but due to time I did not. I think it might have been overkill anyway.

The finishing touch was the shoes I found at the neighbor's garage sale. They are pink and cute!

I made cupcakes and Chris bought chocolate icing. I wanted to make little crosses out of sprinkles on each one but that didn't work out. I won't go into how many ways we tried to get it to work. Finally I just used the cupcakes themselves to make a cross.

1 comment:

Julie said...

It's beautiful (and so is the model)! Great job! It fits her so well. I always over-size things for kids and end up with an "oh, well, I guess you'll wear it to 2nd grade" dress instead. :)

The shoes are darling. Can I get a pair in my size?