Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Xander's Room

Since we've moved Xander's room I have had to do a little work to make it 'his'. I decided that he needed to see his name in his room so Chris painted these letters white and I added yellow, blue and green stripes. It doesn't look great on the counter but I think it will look awesome on his light blue walls.

The flowery curtain that the room previously contained had to go. So I found this striped material that worked. This curtain turned out so well even if it does look slightly circus-esque.

And of course a matching pillow. I managed to whip this out today and even learned a new way to make a pillow cover. It's amazing what you learn when you read!

I know many of you are thinking "Wow, she has a newborn and a toddler and she's doing all of this?!" Well, the curtain was done pre-Josie. The letters were done while Josie napped and Chris had Xander. And the curtain was done instead of the massive amount of chores I haven't done in weeks. Obviously I have my priorities in the right place.

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