Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I got schooled.

Saturday I had an entire day off. All to do with as I please! Whee!

What I actually did was spend the morning in a class to make lounge pants. Because my secret yearning is to be a lounge singer. Ok, couldn't fool you on that one. Basically I made pajama pants and Chris is the lucky owner of the newly created said pants.

Then Chris called and asked me to make an emergency run for bathroom remodeling supplies. So during the first flurry of the season I drove to the store and bought plantation blinds and little tabs to hold the mirror to the wall.

I arrived home for an hour break and then was picked up for my evening activity. It was a haul to get there, but it was a girls' night out to Glass Axis. We made glass ball Christmas ornaments! Well, we picked the color and design and blew into the tube, the knowledgeable expert did the heating and twirling to make the actual bulb. It was a really fun experience and I can't wait to see my final product.

The evening ended with dinner at a small Italian restaurant. It was a little awkward for me because I only knew one person but everyone else worked together. That is ok because I heard some great gossip about the hospital. If Xander ever gets sick, I either know people who work at the hospital or know something about them to get Xander taken care of quickly.

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