Saturday, April 26, 2008

Returning from Vacation

Chris, Xander and I spent last week in colonial Williamsburg. It was a good trip, considering we traveling with a teething seven month old. I think Chris is writing up a review of the trip. He sent out some pics, so if you didn't get them and would like to see them drop us a line.

We returned yesterday (Friday) at about 2 in the afternoon, so we had the rest of the day to unpack and unwind. We were getting ready for bed last night when I went in our bathroom and froze. I could hear something. It was coming from either in the shower or possibly the vent above it. And it sounded very much like when we had a mouse in the dryer last year.

"Chris, get in here" I whispered loudly (Xander was asleep, even a mouse in the shower doesn't necessitate waking up the boy).

I listen and hear the scuttling some more. I notice something light and something dark through the door.

"Chris, get in here now" I yelled/whispered. He bolts in and I told him to listen to the noise. He climbs up on the toilet and looks over the door. And starts laughing.

Somehow a hole developed in my can of shaving cream and it was fizzling all over the shower. Cream everywhere. But it did smell absolutely lovely, raspberry something or other.

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