Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Working Out

As I left the gym on Friday, someone stopped me and said they noticed I'd lost a few inches. Yeah!

We joined a gym when we arrived in California. In Ohio, we have free weights in the basement and we had a treadmill but sold it when we left. I never got into a good workout groove while there, though there were a couple attempts at running and using a Jillian Michaels workout video.

The gym we are at has a kids area where someone will watch the munchkins while I workout. It took a couple weeks for Josie to get acclimated but the kids are now excited to go. It has limited hours (9-1 and 5-8 during the week) and sometimes it is full by the time I get there. And there have been repeated times that the kids have severely runny noses and coughs, so I don't get to bring them in.

Overall, I've really like working out at this gym. I tried the Zumba class a couple times but didn't care for it. I'm not sure if I disliked the class itself or the instructor who wore super tight clothes that displayed enhanced assets. Now I'm taking the Body Pump class. It's weight lifting to music and it's focused on repetitions. It gets my heart rate up and I enjoy being in a class, it's more motivating.

On other days I used the elliptical and have finally worked up to running again. I'm not great at it or fast but I was so thrilled the first time I ran a mile. For Christmas I even received an arm band and ear buds so I can listen to music while I run.

I have to admit, I also like the hot tub in the pool area.

I haven't lost much weight. I've lost a few inches as fat converts to muscle. But I have felt so much better in general. I may have to join a gym when we return to Ohio...

1 comment:

Dandysue said...

Amanda that's wonderful! I have a y pass and it looks like they have a kids area which is nice but we don't have a hot tub or so many class choices. I'm so happy for you!