Friday, September 27, 2013

Update - All About Me

You thought I left, didn't you?

I'm speaking to the four people that apparently checked this blog today despite 7 months of inactivity. At least one from Asia and one from Europe. It's interesting what you learn from site statistics.

I often think of things to put here, but I'm barely keeping afloat the way it is. I managed to keep the kids' site going with only a couple months missed but something had to give and it was this blog. That's okay, I keep up with people just fine without this. But I do find it fun to go back and read old posts so I think I'll try to write out something every once in a while for future enjoyment.

For now, I'm working on a fancy shawl to donate to an auction. I'm also trying to paint 20+ wooden peg dolls as St. George for a saint exchange. I'm teaching part time again but no tutoring yet. I'm taking an online class for fun and need to take two more this winter to renew my teaching license. I'm training for a half-marathon which involves, shockingly, a lot of running.

Chris spent about 11 weeks this past summer in England. It's good to have him back but he's stressed with work, being a Boy Scout leader and soccer coach. He's still trying to catch up on projects around the house and we hope at some point to paint the front room.

And of course I have to take care of the kids. I'm sure you've read all about that at the other blog.

Yeah. There you go.
Look, I painted that mug!

1 comment: said...

Mug is awesome! I underhand that you had to choose between this blog and the website, however I hope that you will find some time in the future to share your thoughts here. I also love to read your posts!