Friday, September 27, 2013

Update - All About Me

You thought I left, didn't you?

I'm speaking to the four people that apparently checked this blog today despite 7 months of inactivity. At least one from Asia and one from Europe. It's interesting what you learn from site statistics.

I often think of things to put here, but I'm barely keeping afloat the way it is. I managed to keep the kids' site going with only a couple months missed but something had to give and it was this blog. That's okay, I keep up with people just fine without this. But I do find it fun to go back and read old posts so I think I'll try to write out something every once in a while for future enjoyment.

For now, I'm working on a fancy shawl to donate to an auction. I'm also trying to paint 20+ wooden peg dolls as St. George for a saint exchange. I'm teaching part time again but no tutoring yet. I'm taking an online class for fun and need to take two more this winter to renew my teaching license. I'm training for a half-marathon which involves, shockingly, a lot of running.

Chris spent about 11 weeks this past summer in England. It's good to have him back but he's stressed with work, being a Boy Scout leader and soccer coach. He's still trying to catch up on projects around the house and we hope at some point to paint the front room.

And of course I have to take care of the kids. I'm sure you've read all about that at the other blog.

Yeah. There you go.
Look, I painted that mug!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Cupcake Cake with Wrapper

If you've read the post for Hannah's 1st birthday or are friends with me on Facebook, then you've seen the cake I made Hannah for her birthday. I invested in a Wilton cupcake cake pan with the intention of reusing for future birthdays and special events.

I was a little nervous using it for the first time because I had read reviews and suggestions for it and there was a problem with the sizes of the top and bottom being different and baking differently. I followed a recommendation to fill the bottom, bake it for 10 minutes and then fill the top and finish baking. Towards the end of the baking time I was concerned about the bottom being over baked. Then I was concerned that I didn't spray the sides well enough and they would stick. Both fears proved to be unfounded.

Then I became super adventurous by creating a wrapper for the cupcake out of candy melts. (I found these directions helpful.) I've never done anything like it and there was a serious possibility that it would crack or fall apart. I figured if that happened I would just use the buttercream icing to frost the sides or just leave the sides of the cupcake as cake.

Fortunately, it worked out really well. The top edge was a little uneven but I wasn't concerned. Chris nervously pointed out that the cupcake probably wouldn't fit into the candy wrapper since they were make in the same pan. I reassured him and said I had planned on trimming the cake to fit into the wrapper.

I was going to cover the big cupcake with rosettes made with my star tip, but it looked awful. I'll have to practice that one. I just smoothed down the rosettes and added three on the side. The rosettes did look great on the individual cupcakes. 

The one thing I would do differently is to possibly slice the base of the cupcake and add a layer of icing. Or I saw an example of hollowing out some of it and adding fruit. Yum! Otherwise, this worked out great and I'm looking forward to doing it again.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Back to Fit Part 2

Back in July I wrote about wanting to lose weight and get healthy. Now that it's after the new year, I figured it was a good time to revisit the topic.

I spent the fall attempting to eat better and get exercise. I think I did a pretty good job at it. Food-wise, I made better choices during meals and watched my portion sizes. I think the best thing I did was eating a smaller dinner and not snacking before bed.

Exercise-wise, I was able to go out running a couple times a week. They weren't long runs but I did surprise myself with my first mile and half run. I wasn't fast but I could make it!

I also joined an adult soccer league on Friday nights. In the fall it was an outdoor league with games starting at 6:30. Chris joined in and the kids came along and played along the sidelines. The hardest part was that Hannah often needed held but the other ladies on the team were always happy to help. Between being out of shape and not playing soccer for maybe twenty years, it took some getting used to.

I mentioned joining Biggest Loser through Chris's work and I did do it. I actually did so well that I came in second place with 12.5 pounds lost for 7.33% weight lost. I was so close to winning! Okay, not really, the first place guy really had us all beat.

I did gain a couple pounds back, but I didn't stress about it. Then, over the holidays, I managed to lose more weight. About five more pounds! Over the holidays!

Now I'm kind of stuck. I would like to lose a little more but what I really want is to tone. So I talked with Chris and set up a I'm a Big Loser program. I made up that name myself because I'm just cool like that. I have ten weeks and would like to lose ten pounds and four inches off of my waist. I get a special prize if I can do that (it involves shopping for new clothes, because I will really need them if I make this goal).

This is a pretty ambitious goal for me. It would put me back into my pre-pregnancy clothes and I am talking before Xander. However, with it being winter, thus dark and cold, and with Chris working more I am not getting out to run. I am still playing soccer. It's indoor and I am loving it. I will have to post about it sometime. So I'm trying to motivate myself to do workout videos and lift weights in the basement. It's not my favorite but it's what I have available right now.

I've let the food slip a little but not horribly. I just need to remember to drink water and fill up on fruits and vegetables. When I do that I don't crave snacks and sweets as much. Chris and I being more organized about meal planning which is also a help to me.

I think the hardest part will be when Chris has to travel because he keeps me honest. When he is gone I tend to let things slide and to become more of a stress eater. Because, really, chocolate does make everything better.