Friday, February 26, 2010

Where resolutions last one and a half months

I never told you what my New Year's resolution was, did I? Nope, I didn't think so.

It's to be nicer.

Now I imagine there are several of you out there who are thinking that resolution is crazy. "Hugs is the nicest person ever." While I appreciate that thought, I'm not perfect. The rest of you are thinking "It's about time."

Anyway, my resolution was, specifically, to tell people to have a nice day. Like at the grocery store, the bagger puts the last bag of groceries into my cart and mumbles something to me. I look him in the face and reply "Thanks, you have a good day." And I mean it. I want him to have a nice day.

While there isn't always a reaction, it's been nice to see people give me a genuine smile. They can tell I'm saying something sincere and I'm taking the time to notice them.

This has actually been a good resolution in that it's lasted a bit longer than others from years past. Last week I realized I'd driven away from the bank drive through without more than a distracted "Thanks, you too" when the teller told me to have a nice day. Ah, I guess I'm still not perfect.

Anyway, I just thought I'd share this in case any of you'd like to try it.

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