And here are the cakes I made for the baby shower. The glitter was a disappointment, all it did was make it look a little.....moist, I guess. The first one is supposed to be a cabbage patch.

The second is just something I made up, but it looked good.

The paper portion of the Great School Condensing of 2007 is complete. There are now only 6 boxes in the basement. Now commences the computer version, where I'm trying to save and organize all of the computer files from five years. It's not bad, except the computer chair is mighty uncomfortable.
Ah! Escape from L.A.! Just kidding. It's Big Trouble in Little China, right? Never saw more than 2 minutes of the movie, but from that I knew Kurt Russell was in it. Never would have guessed there were green pinky-lasers involved in that movie...
Yeah, good guess! After I put this up, I was this on a list of Top 10 Movie DVDs under $10, so I felt ahead of the game.
On a side note, I've never seen Flash Gordan nor Escape from L.A.
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