Monday, May 14, 2007

Tag, I'm it

Julie has decided to tag me for a meme. So I get to give you random bits of information about myself. At first I was going to totally steal her idea and write about my scars, but I realized I only have stories for the four huge ugly ones. The rest are random bumps and scratches.

So I bring you Hugs' list of random stuff:

1) One of my proudest moments was during the 8th grade graduation. I won the science award, which was totally unexpected. I beat the valedictorian and salutatorian. I kind of hoped for the math one, but didn't get it. It was based on a test we had taken, not based on teacher's feeling bad for me, so I was thrilled.

2) My second proudest moment was getting a 3 on the AP Calculus test. Not the best score of the class or anything, but I was impressed with it. Of course now I can't remember Calculus....

3) My biggest regret is not trying out for track. Running bored me to tears. But at recess I was one of the best Jail-Break players. Now I'm always struggling to run at a decent speed. Well, I've taken about 9 months off for now....

4) My biggest fear is that I will be forgotten. Most people would say drowning or something like that. I'm afraid that I'll die won't make any kind of impact in the world. I realize this is totally irrational and that I have wonderful family and friends. But most fears are irrational.

5) This news clip makes me cry every time.

6) More often than not, I type my name "Amadna" then have to go back and correct it.

7) I am malignant hyperthermia susceptible. In my terminology, I am allergic to general anesthesia. This was discovered when in kindergarten I went to get my tonsils removed (I had strep throat a lot as a kid) and things went very wrong. This led to a muscle biopsy on my left thigh that left a nice 4"+ scar.

8) My picture was in the National Enquirer. Ok, so it was me and 300+ of my relatives and I was like 12, but people can still pick me out of the crowd. It was for the world's largest family reunion. We'd have been in Guinness too, but no one felt like looking up that many birth certificates and wedding licenses.


Anonymous said...

That clip was crazy! Ohmygosh! How could you not get emotional!

I forgot about your Natl. Enq. picture, I remember that!!

I learned some new things!

Amanda, you make such a difference. Esp. since you are a teacher. I mean we all have good teachers we never forget.

You're Great!


Julie said...

Low blow on the youtube clip. Sobbed. Soooobbbed. Little boys crying are just the saddest thing ever.

#4 - my biggest fear is forgetting. Alzheimers runs in my family and my biggest fear is losing my memories. So I can relate, kind of.

Rob said...

Just FINALLY got around to reading this...

I couldn't even watch that whole news clip. I'm a weepy, emotional man.

As long as we're around, you won't be forgotten. So I figure you've got a good 90 years to find some other way to make a name. Being a teacher, as Mandy said, is probably your best guarantee. Don't worry, just do what you do and when all else fails, you were in the National Enquirer for crying out loud!