Saturday, March 24, 2007

Panic at the Disco!

So we are looking at this house and were going to look at it one more time tomorrow and put in an offer. But we get a call this afternoon saying someone else put in a bid.

Mad panic ensues. We can still put in an offer but it needs to be immediately. We'll have to up what we originally planned to offer too.

You know, I was getting cold feet about this too. Mostly because buying a house is a lot of money and I do not like spending lots of money. An occasional spree of a shirt and pants satisfies my spending desires. And coming this fall we'll have an extra mouth to feed and only one income.

But as soon as I hear that someone else put in an offer I thought "Someone's trying to take our house." So I guess I do want it.

Back to the story. I run out to Hubby's work (were he is) and we open up the documents we need to sign to put in the offer. And the computer laughs at us. So we try a couple of different ways of getting the documents to open. The computer rolls around on the ground clutching its sides. This is a computer at a high tech radar and signal place, but we can't read a simple document. Finally, the real estate agent emails .pdf versions that we sign and fax back. After several hours we found out that our offer was better but the seller was making a counter offer. Bear in mind that the price we did offer was about as high as I (as financial manager of the household) was comfortable going. And I am severely hormonal and prone to spats of crying.

The counter offer was for $250 more than we offered. We're getting a house!


Anonymous said...

No way! Counter-counter offer for $125!!! Don't let him take you!

Just kidding. Congratulations! Now the ever-present guilt of home improvement can set in...


Hugs said...

I did totally forget that the screen door is broken and I'd like to keep the trash bins. *sigh* I was always bad at haggling.

And yeah, I'm trying not to think about the home improvements needed. Well nothing is needed per say, but definitely wanted. Who wants fluffy sheep border in their bathroom I ask you??

Anonymous said...

Hooray for you crazy house buying kids! It almost makes me want to start acting like a grown up!

Rob said...

what's wrong with fluffy sheep borders?