Friday, February 23, 2007

They made me work four whole days this week

It was rough, let me tell you. And I'm being serious because I had tests and quizzes and reviews to get ready as well as some projects for next week to prepare for. Plus many of these students actually care about their grades and are coming in to retake tests and study for the upcoming ones.

Although I really didn't care for being lectured about how many points the students have right now. Especially since I've heard other teachers discussing how few points they have. I've been doing this for over five years, I think I have some idea how to handle grades.

I did have a great time last night. Five of my coworkers for my previous school in Cincinnati were in town for a conference. It was fun to hang out with people who a) already like me, b) actually care about teaching and c) know how to hang out and have a good time.

We went to Brio at Easton for dinner. Expensive, but they all got to eat on the company dime. So I mooched dessert from them. There was a game of "Would you rather" and gossip of course.

Um, lets see, what else. Tomorrow Handsome Hubby and I are looking for houses and then I may go to the knitting bee at the library. Then grade, laundry, groceries, workout, etc.

Soooo. I feel like I should have more to report since I haven't been posting much. But I don't.


Julie said...

Happy house hunting. As I told your Handsome Husband, we have a friend who is a Realtor in Columbus, so if you aren't thrilled with your current one or want another person helping, let us know and we'll pass around the information.

Anonymous said...

Wow, four! You poor girl! We only had three this week. We cancelled on Wed. for an ice/fog mixture and still got Pres. Day off!

Whats next? I wonder.
